• Raheja Willows, 501 Silver Oak, Lokhandwala, Kandivali East, Mumbai 400 101
  • Mon-Sat: 9am to 6pm

Alex William

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have alteration.

author image

Opening Hours:

These are our normal opening hours. When we are closed can be found here.
  • Monday - Friday

    8.00 – 17.00

  • Saturday

    8.00 – 15.00

  • Sunday


Contact Number

+91 981 912 0774

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Top Course

Woman, get Stylish

This is a 16 hour workshop across 4 days (weekdays) or 2 days (weekend) with an in-built month long online mentorship programme. It is extensive and covers all areas of dress and grooming including make-up by a seasoned make-up artist. It is aimed to achieve a huge image shift and thereby a shift in personality too. The month long mentorship gives one, adequate time to imbibe the change and get comfortable with the new emerging persona.

The Change:
Someone once said that 'FASHION is what you buy, STYLE is what you do with it." This workshop will not only teach you what you should buy for yourself, it will also teach you how you can put it together to make it work for you 24x7. Aimed at getting you more powerful, stylish, glamorous and most of all elegant, it will be a skill for life.

Who should Attend:
Women of all ages.
Women who wish to get more out of life.

16 Hours

across 4 weekdays OR 2 days of the weekend

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Get Fabulous

A Style Date at Your Home

This is a 4 hour personal consultation at your home (in Mumbai). This will be done post a brief audio-visual consultation on your lifestyle, your face and body shape evaluation. 12 looks will be created using your already existing wardrobe. We will also shop online for items required to complete a look. This is a complementary service provided.

The Change:
This service will give you an stylish yet very effective wardrobe. 12 looks to cater to your lifestyle and suits you personally, with what already exists in your wardrobe.
You will never find yourself with 'nothing to wear' again.

Who should attend:
Anyone, man or woman, looking to bring on their A game.
Anyone looking for a quick fix.

4 Hours

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Style Online Series

This programme is similar to our Woman, get Stylish programme except that it will be conducted on an online platform.
Part I – Power Dressing (2.5 hours) will tailor the impression you leave on people. You will learn to choose and execute the impression you wish to create on a particular audience.
Part II – Styling Secrets (2 hours x 2 days) is a group session with a pre & a post session mentorship attached. Here we will cover Styling Mantras, Body & Face Shape Analysis, Evaluation & Recommendations, Lingerie, Poise & Posture. The objective here is to help you understand how you can best dress you body type and keep it stylish at the same time.
Part III – Being Fab (10 hours across 1 month) This is an individual mentorship online. The objective of this programme is to put you together completely. Looks for one major role and one secondary role will be create in clusters. Your wardrobe will be made lean and effective. Clothing will be evaluated to fit and style you based on your physical statistics, your roles, goals and lifestyle. Effective workable clusters will be created for maximum mix & match. Through all this an accurate shopping list will be put together. The last stage will entail shopping for the required items (online).
Add Ons : 50 Shades Beautiful – Makeup Tutorial Online. Here you will learn to put together a Natural Look – Good Matte Base; Glamour Look – Bold Lips, Subtle Eyes, Highlighting & Contouring; Smokey Eyes – Sultry Smokey Eyes with Nude Lips

The Change:
Over a period of 20 hours across a month, this programme aims to bring about a well informed classier you. You will not only learn about how it can be done but unlike the Woman, get Stylish module, you will actually have an effective wardrobe by the end of it. You will be walking the talk after undergoing a month long mentorship. Dos and Don’ts will be imbibed and practiced till it is second nature.

Who should attend:
Anyone above the age of 18 who wishes to up their social skills and be perceived as sophisticated.

20 Hours

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One on One Consulting

This is a tailor made programme to suit a specific need that one might have. It could also mean a programme with all of what we have to offer with emphasis on a few areas of weakness. This programme could follow a mutually beneficial timeline thereby has more flexibility than a workshop where 3 or more participants are involved.

The Change:
This programme being the most specific tends to bring about maximum change. The change will be targeted to align with one's roles, goals and personality to give maximum output.

Who should attend:
A person wishing to turn their personality around totally.
A person with a specific requirement and a time constraint.

Depending on Requirements

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Professional Presence

Grooming & Styling Workshop for Men

This is a day-long workshop on how one should carry themselves in a professional setting.

The Change:
Making an effective first impression is extremely crucial to climbing the success ladder. This programme is focused on polishing your social and professional skills with the right attire, impeccable grooming and confident self-presentation. These life-skills once in place will set you apart from the herd, while making you extremely confident of handling your toughest clients.

Who should attend:
Men who want to stand out and be noticeably different.
Men in sales / entrepreneurs

8 Hours

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In Good Company

Personal Transformation for Young Adults

This 12 hour aims at bridging the gap between who they are and who they have to gear up to be. They will get a glimpse into the real world and an understanding of what is to come and how best to tackle it.

The Change:
Individuals need to learn proper self-presentation and social skills now, more than ever. Competition for acceptance into colleges and good jobs is becoming increasingly tough and those who possess these skills that are well developed and come naturally to them, will stand out in the crowd and have a big edge over their peers. Respecting and valuing self and others, developing integrity, and making others feel at ease are the key elements to a wholesome future and developing relationships as they go along. This programme will teach them all that and much more.

Who should attend:
14 – 19 year old young adults.

15 Hours

over 5 days

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Styling Secrets

This is a short yet power-packed programme on Style for Women.

The Change:
“Style is the way you say who you are without having to speak” – Rachel Zoe. Our three-hour workshop on this unique language will not only get you to wear your personality on your sleeve, it also promises to get you a lot more value on shopping budget.

Who should attend:
Women who wish to be perceived as stylish

2 Hours

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Fine Dining Workshop

Getting equipped with the knowledge of Dining Etiquette will have a big impact on your social status, particularly when you are attending high-end parties or moving in business circles. It will help you through the most formal settings with the ease of a professional.

The Change:
This session will teach you how to handle your cutlery, learn how to eat with chopsticks, how to understand placement of your flatware and glassware, how to handle your napkin, understand seating arrangements, table manners all this in a practice session and then again through a LIVE meal.

Who should attend:
Anyone above the age of 18 who wishes to up their social skills and be perceived as sophisticated.

6 Hours

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